
How To Repair Bicycle Brake Cable

New twelvemonth, new cables. That's an adage that will totally catch on.

Over time brake cables assemble dirt, water seeps into them and they get worn out. This is one of the repairs you will desire to do occasionally and not wait for the part to interruption before you fix information technology.Replacing cables is a good matter to do annually, or sooner if you ride a lot.  You will instantly be able to tell the deviation after replacing cables. The braking will be more smooth and efficient. Perhaps throw cable replacement in with a general cycle check over and spruce up.

This guide volition specifically take you through replacing the brake cablevision for direct handlebar brakes. The process is very like for other brake lever types, only really altered by admission to the cable. This will vary by manufacturer and information is oftentimes available on their websites, so you can easily apply near of this guide to any non-hydrolic cable replacement with a piffling intuition.

colourful cables
Why not add together some colour to your bike in the process?

You lot'll need a new brake cable. You lot should check this is the same as your current brake cablevision with the same nipple manner on the end. This volition vary depending on the blazon of brakes you lot have. You lot'll also need the cable outer casing (also known as cable housing) if you intend on replacing it, as well every bit metal ferrules, an stop cap (oft included) and a wire cutter. Make sure you use a professional wire cutter. If you don't accept one ask your local bicycle store to cut the cable using your existing cables as guidance.

Before yous remove the brake cable, have a look at how it is currently threaded around your bike. This will vary between dissimilar bikes. If you don't take very practiced memory then take pictures of the way information technology is threaded so yous tin repeat this once it is removed. Using an Allen key undo the clamp commodities that holds the brake cable in place.

Cable routing

Turn the barrel adjuster and line it up then that the cable can be threaded through, and ease out the cable. You will need to pull the restriction lever to expose the nest where the cable nipple is held. Pull out the old cable and continue all the parts.

Cable ends

Check the outer casing to see if it has whatsoever kinks. If information technology does then this volition definitely need replacing otherwise y'all tin use the existing casing, unless it is very old, so it is worth replacing anyhow. If yous are using new outer casing then cut information technology to the aforementioned length as the existing one. If you don't already take outer casing yous will demand to guess the length that is needed. This can be tricky, so it may be worth getting communication from an expert.

If the outer casing is too long then the braking volition non be efficient. Use expert quality wire cutters to exist certain the ends of the outer casing are cut square. Often you will need a screwdriver to clear the opening as this tin can become squashed when you cut them to the correct length. If you are replacing the casing then adhere metal ferrules to the end of it. Depending on the bicycle, y'all may non demand to attach a ferrule on the end nearest the brake unit, as this goes into the noodle. Information technology'southward a good idea to driblet a little chip of lubricant into the ferrules to proceed everything working well.

A noodle, the non-yummy kind

If the new restriction cable you have bought has 2 types of nipple attached to either terminate choose the one that matches the type you have already. Apply a very thin layer of grease to the cable using your fingers or a textile. This is simply to prevent rust and simply a tiny amount is needed. Then thread the cable through outer casing.

Then claw it back onto the brake lever, starting at the nipple. To do this, pull the lever and slide the nipple into the nest. Thread the cable through the brake lever and through the butt adjuster. And so turn the barrel adjuster and so that the cable cannot escape. Slide the outer casing into the barrel adjuster.On the other side of the cable, you will want to put the metal noodle back on. Also, the rubber will need sliding dorsum on. This should exist done with the big side first.

Thread it through the cable clamp bolt, so tighten the bolt loosely only to concord information technology in place for now. Then reconnect the brake with the arm that holds it in place. You can so make any farther adjustments you need to practise past undoing the cable clamp bolt and pulling the wire through.

tighten the boltNow it'south fourth dimension to exam your new brake cable. Pull the lever down hard twice. When you pull your brake lever halfway the brakes should exist fully engaged. If this does non happen and so you demand to suit the cable from the cable clamp bolt, letting out or in a scrap of cablevision. It is a good thought to start with the barrel adjuster fully tightened so that, then as the cable stretches and the brake pads wearable, you lot tin loosen it.

Double cheque all the bolts are firmly tightened and the wire cease is tucked abroad. If you lot do have excess cable then cut this off using the wire cutters, leaving well-nigh 3-four inches of cablevision for future aligning. The cable should then have an terminate cap on it to prevent the wire splitting which should be attached past pressing downwardly on the open end. Examination your brake out a few times to cheque everything is working okay.

End cap

New cables ever stretch out after a bit of use, this is partly why new bikes come with a beginning complimentary service. If your brakes start feeling a little spongy in a few weeks, you lot can suit them at the barrel or the clamp, whichever you prefer.

Do y'all have whatever tips for changing cables?


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