
How To Repair Vitreous Gel

Male Doctor Testing Patient's Eye In Clinic

Eye doctor examining patient's eye

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Vitreous humor is the fluid that fills the back section of your eye. This thick, gel-like substance helps your eye maintain shape and also helps protect the structures within the eye. As y'all age, the vitreous may break downwards and clump together. This procedure tin can result in floaters, black spots that pass through your vision. Handling cannot restore this fluid, but certain nutrients may assist foreclose the breakdown of the components in the vitreous.


Break downwardly of the vitreous may issue from oxidation. This is a natural process that occurs within your body, resulting when unstable molecules, often chosen free radicals, damage cells, including the cells that make upwardly the vitreous. Gratis radicals course from exposure to radiation, cigarette fume or chemicals, also as from the natural procedure of food digestion and storage, explains the National Eye for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. You can limit your exposure to environmental factors to reduce your adventure of oxidative stress. To help prevent gratis radicals formed from trunk processes, y'all can eat healthful foods that contain antioxidants, nutrients that may help prevent oxidation.


Many nutrients have antioxidant qualities, and these nutrients could help reduce your risk of floaters and other impairment to the vitreous fluid. Some of these benign nutrients include vitamin C, vitamin Eastward, beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. You should not increase your intake without beginning consulting your doctor. She can evaluate your diet and help you create a food plan that meets all of your nutritional needs.


Your doctor may recommend that you take a vitamin supplement that contains one or more antioxidant nutrients. However, she may tell you, instead, to choose healthful foods that will provide you lot with the nutrients you need to keep your vitreous and other parts of your eyes healthy. For example, dark green, leafy vegetables incorporate lutein and zeaxanthin, or yous may select strawberries, oranges and spinach for vitamin C. Besides, many nuts and seeds, such as almonds and sunflower seeds, provide vitamin East. If your doctor recommends that you increase your antioxidant intake through diet, she will help you create a diet plan that will provide you with nutrient sources that suit your health needs.


Many people feel a few floaters in their vision, but if you take new floaters you should contact your physician. A sudden onset of many new floaters could indicate a retinal disengagement, and this requires immediate attention to foreclose permanent changes in your vision. If you want to increase your antioxidant intake, consult your doctor starting time. Some foods and nutrients may interfere with certain medications, such equally claret thinners. Your doctor tin help y'all determine if you have any risks for these interactions.


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